..Hello their, dear Blogging buddies! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend enjoying the warm, Summer weather?! We were forecast another glorious day for Sunday, so picnic lunch made, we set off for another of my 'places to visit'...Bodnant Gardens. We all love beautiful and historic architecture, but I have to say, gardens are my indulgence and hubby and little man were dragged along! Not too reluctantly, mind you!...
...We timed it just right for the laburnum arch to be in full bloom and the smell was intoxicating!...
...The irises were still putting on a good show, though many of the larger bearded iris were coming to an end...
...Everywhere looked so lush and green and there were so many stunning plants to see. The rhodedendrons were in full bloom in the Yew Dell (or Yo-del as little man named it!), there were himalayan primulas of all different colours, wisteria, water lilies, the sweetest smelling roses and the biggest ever gunnera leaves!...
...Little man posed for a photo or two! Just look at that hosta...mine look like lace curtains the way the slugs have been at them!!...
...the mausoleum...
...Bodnant Hall...
...and the old Pin Mill. The pond was full of tadpoles, so little man enjoyed catching a few in his hands to see how far they had progressed!...
...above the Pin Mill is the terraced garden with all sorts of climbers, foxgloves, lilies, lupins and more.
The weather was glorious and even better was the fact that it was free as MIL has a family membership to the National Trust! We sat and had ice creams at the Old Mill Cafe and must have walked miles in total!...
Coming back through Betws-y-coed, we decided to stop at Conwy Falls, just in case we hadn't walked enough!...
...The falls are actually quite fierce, but you couldn't really get too near, so it was difficult to take pics...
...the noise of the water was amazing and the photos actually make it look quite serene! Then it was home, to a well earned cuppa and a rest of our weary feet! Another great family day out in the beautiful Welsh countryside! It's days like these that we realise just how lucky we are to live in such a beautiful part of the country - the views on the drive over are just as stunning...and they're not too bad out of our own front window, even...especially once my own garden is finished! Speaking of which, here's a look at how it's getting on...

..I know it doesn't look much, but if you could've seen the before pictures?! I had 2 foot weeds all the way around and grass to match! I am hoping to get rid of the grass area, just because it's such a pain to cut and have paving stones and gravel with pots on. I am keeping the more established shrubs and might add a few perennials dotted here and there. Everything just grows at such a pace at this time of year that it's hard to keep up! I hope this warm weather continues - we have another mild day today. Have a wonderful week and I hope to be back soon with some craftiness to share!
Big hugs,
Don't forget, if you want to come along to the
Sincerely Yours @ Wrexham Papercraft Show, you have until 9pm on Thursday to prebook your tickets
online which will get you free tea and coffee and entrance into a prize draw to win a £50 voucher to spend at the show!